
  • CBEA: This R package implements the CBEA (Competitive balances for taxonomic enrichment analysis) approach. More details can be found in the corresponding manuscript. Source code can be found on GitHub and can be installed via Bioconductor.[site]
  • nprbooksR: This is an R data package containing scraped information from NPR’s book concierge (now known as Books We love). Built using RSelenium. [Source]
  • DIFUSE Eddy Covariance Exploration: A Shiny app for BIOL 16 course at Dartmouth developed as part of the DIFUSE program (funded by NSF) for interactive data visualization and basic model building. [Source]
  • TidyTuesday: Personal repository of figures and tables participating in #TidyTuesday events. [Source]

Open-source contributions

  • epiprocess: This is an R package developed by the DELPHI group at Carnegie Mellon University to provide tools for basic signal processing in epidemiological forecasting. [Source]
  • SBICgraph: Structural Bayesian Information Criterion (SBIC) for model selection in network models with a two-step algorithm to generate candidate model pool. Manuscript at Zhou et al. 2021. [Source]

Non-research writings

I wrote some articles as part of the The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic.